"Let The Future Begin..."

Perfect Dark 2 release date!
I have gotten exclusive info, from a reliable source regarding the release date of Perfect Dark 2. It is November 11th in the US. Remember though, Perfect Dark was delayed, many times, so this date is due to change, but that is the official date.
Posted: 15/12/00

New Site
Well it's been quite a while since my last update, but I havent been slacking, I and a friend have been working on a new GAMECUBE site, but I am not going to tell you the site name, address, or the friend who is helping with it untill the site is almost done, in about 2-3 weeks from now. So visit regularly to be sure not to miss it! - Webmaster

Sega & Nintendo not true?

Well that last update I made about Nintendo and Sega joining a joint company is not quite true. Over at IGNCube.com they said that it was, yesterday, but today they say it isnt, so just click Here to view their update on this matter.-Webmaster

Big News!
Romours have been going around for some time but it is now official that Nintendo and sega will be working together. At first you might think like I did about wishing it doesn't happen, but think of it this way: Sony doent make games, they rely on third party's, and third party's have no reason not to move to the Gamecube, and they have good reason to. Sega makes there own games, so you would never see them on a Nintendo console. But now that Nintendo and Sega have united all Sega games (Sonic etc) should soon be seen on the Gamecube, so.. if all of Sony's games are on the Gamecube, and all of Sega's games are on the gamecube, then Nintendo will have every game, and Sony will only have ones that are on the Gamecube! So I guess there is no reason to buy a $750 (aus) PS2 when all the games will be on a $300-$400 (aus) Gamecube. Cilck Here to view the article.-Webmaster

Drought of news
Well you would have to admit that there is not alot to update about lately. But you sould really download those rebirth movies, they are GREAT.Well thats it for now.Webmaster

IGNCube Console Specs Page
Over at IGNCube they have put up a new Page explaining all of that video game jargon that most of you wouldent understand. Click HERE to view it.-Webmaster Posted:19/10/00

Make Your Own N-Cube!
Well I have finallyfound a site where you could download your own NGC and here it is:Daily Radar.Com has had an update with it, but you need not go there to get it, I have uploaded it onto this server and you gan get it by clicking HERE.you juat have to copy it into paint or something and print each side, cut it out, then paste it together.-Webmaster

Mix Core's Rebirth Movies
Mix-Core, a Nintendo in house developer, has been very busy making a new game called Rebirth. Not much is known about rebirth, for example what the gameplay is like, what theme tha game has, how many players, etc. but we know one thing for sure and that is that they have the best damn graphics I have ever seen. I will be adding these movies to the Downloads section any time now.Go to Mix Core now to get them!-Webmaster

Well I have been doing alot around the site lately just to speed stuff up. I hope all this has come to help most of you and if you have noticed this or if you have any comments just Mail Me. My email address is: webmaster@ncube.20m.com.-Webmaster

Games List
I have added a Games List, but it only currently has N64 games that have been released. click Here to see it.-Webmaster

Ok, you might not have noticed but on the right side of this page there is a "Other" heading with a Qiuz, a weird button that I thaught was funny, and a Console Comparison Chart. I was just letting you know. :-) -Webmaster

Nintendo To Hold GAMECUBE comfrence:
Nintendo is going to have a developer comfrence some time next month.-Webmaster

Peter Main MP3
I have (and have had for some time) a Peter Main MP3 in the Downloads Page which most people have been ignoring, This MP3 is actually a 45min long confrence with Peter Main (Nintendo's Technical Director) which is very informaive and covers most aspects about the Nintendo GAMECUBE. Oh, and by teh way, you would think that a 45min MP3 would be quite large... but it is only approx 3 meg, so dont worry. :)-Webmaster

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This site was created on the 26th of August 2000.
This site is best viewes at 1024 x 768 screen resolution.
This site is in no way affiliated with Nintendo or Rareware. (Although I wish it was)

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