Objective: answer 7 questions correctly. JavaScript required!
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1887 1889 1902 1906
2. What Was The 1st Nintendo Product?
Playng Cards Electric Gun Marbles Pog
3. What Is The President Of Nintendo's Name?
Mr Miyamato Mr Yamouchi Mr Yamauchi Mr Myamoto
4. What Does The Word "Nintendo" Stand For?
Nothing Gaming Heaven Gaming Bliss Video Game
5. How Much Was Nintendo Worth In 1992?
$5 billion $6 billion $7 billion $8 billion
6. What Is The Mazimum Memory A N64 Cartridge Can Hold?
32 meg 16 meg 64 meg 100 meg
7. How Long Was Mario64 In Developement for?
1-2 Years 3-4 Years 5-6 Years 7-8 Years
8. Does Sony Have A Mascot?
Yes,Crash Bandicoot Yes,Someone Else No,They Suck No,But They Don't Need One
9. Is Sony A Real Videogame company?
No,Never have,Never Will Yes,True Videogame company No,But Almost Yes.
10. What Is The Best Site Ever?
Nintendo.com N-Cube.20m.com (This One) Teletubies.com IGNCube.com